I finally feel better than I have in months! It's a good thing too because there have been some great birds around this week. Saturday morning I went out to look for my potential lifer Pine Warbler that was found earlier this week. When I got to Evergreen Cemetery all the birders were leaving and after an hour of searching I came up empty. I even went back an hour later but it was dead, so Sunday morning I made sure I was the first of the living to arrive. After a little searching, another birder and I caught a glimpse of the warbler, my 63rd lifer of 2012! (32 were in Hawaii) It moved around in the shadows a lot and I only managed some really bad photos.
Pine Warbler, I promise |
Pine Warbler is accidental in fall in Southeast Arizona and has only been recorded about 15 times in the state. Amazingly one was found in the same cemetery two years ago. Some other birders also detected its buddy, a Chestnut-sided Warbler, also rare.
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
There was also an American Robin in the area, uncommon in town.
American Robin |
I decided to check out a couple other spots in town, starting with Reid Park.
resident American Kestrel |
Great Egret |
Canvasback |
Lesser Scaup |
Gadwall |
Gadwall |
Snowy Egret |
Snowy Egret with breakfast |
Last I headed over to another cemetery I've been meaning to check out since I've never heard of anyone birding there. I found the usual suspects, but I'll have to check back often.
Say's Phoebe, South Lawn Cemetery | |
Vermilion Flycatcher |
Red-tailed Hawk |
It feels wonderful to get out and bird again, even if it was a little weird walking around all those graves. Have a great week!