Monday, June 4, 2012

Shoot Me Monday

About a week ago my friend Geniece and I joined our pals Richard Fray and Ed for some owling on Mt. Lemmon.  We battled 30+ mph winds most of the night.  After three hours we had seen zero birds and heard only one, a distant Mexican Whip-poor-will.  I was a little bummed!  But at the bottom of the mountain the wind calmed down and our luck changed.  We heard a couple of Elf Owls calling, but never got a visual.  At least we hadn't struck out on owls.  A little further down the highway we struck gold when we spotted two owls off the road.  One flew down for shocking, eye-level, unobstructed views!  WOW!  It's one of the best birding experiences I've had.  What a cool bird to have as my 300th species in Pima County.

Richard Fray happens to be a wonderful bird guide, I highly recommend him.  Check out his website for birding in Southeast Arizona.

Western Screech-Owl
CERange Map for Western Screech-Owl


  1. Awesome Jeremy! I still haven't seen Western Screech Owls--one of those birds I really should have by now..

    Looks like you had a great experience with them. Well done! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful experience for you! Fantastic Western Screech Owl photograph!

  3. Terrific view of the Screech Owl Jeremy! I've seen Eastern Screech Owls but not a Western yet. Wow, what a great way to finish up your walk.

  4. What a wonderful little owl Jeremy and the great angle you got on it is a bonus. I can imagine your excitement!
